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  • How to determine your personal next level of success.

  • How to create a clear personal roadmap that will give you a step by step system to achieve your next level of success.

  • How to identify and eliminate those things that can block you from reaching your next level of success.

  • As a BONUS, I’m going to share with you the 3 key strategies I use every day to get things done!

  • Another Bonus is your Course Guide and Workbook. This bonus is packed full of strategies for your next level!
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About Dr. Saundra Wall Williams
DR. SAUNDRA WALL WILLIAMS is the Chief Executive Officer of WMS Corporation, a professional development, consulting and training company that supports emerging and established women leaders in corporations, government, education and non-profit organizations. Dr. Saundra specializes in coaching and mentoring women to increase their influence, impact and income by building themselves and executing their vision.

In her CAREER, Dr. Saundra is not only a certified Christian Leadership and Transformation Coach, she is a former education and technology executive. In her career, she was former Senior Vice President and Chief of Information Technology, Data, Business Intelligence, Library Systems and Distance Learning for the North Carolina Community College System, the 3rd largest community college system in the world. She is also a technical trainer who has trained on state of the art technology and systems. Her skillset over and above mentoring, coaching, training and development includes leadership and organizational development. She is also an Assistant Research Professor in the College of Education at North Carolina State University.

In her MINISTRY calling of teacher, Dr. Saundra is an ordained minister and a member of the College of Ordained Elders in the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International. She is the Director of Spiritual Growth and Discipleship and the Elder of Christian Education at her church Solid Rock Ministry International. She is also the founder of T.E.A.C.H. Ministries, an international teaching ministry for women in ministry leadership.

For many years, Dr. Saundra felt as if her two skill sets were a disadvantage because the elements of her career and her ministry were different. When she fully embraced both elements of her expertise, she realized that the gifts and talents which helped her to rise in ministry were the same as those that helped her to rise in her career and vice versa.

She brings her 30+ years of experience in executive leadership, education, technology and ministry, and her experience and business acumen to give you her best practices on designing and running a profitable speaking, mentor and coaching business.  
Dr. Saundra has put EVERYTHING she knows into programs to support you to move forward in your career or your ministry.
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